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Turkey Spirit Animal

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Turkey Spirit Animal: Symbolism and Meaning

In the past people used to think that animal spirits offered protection and direction.

Turkeys are believed to be a sign of fertility, sustenance, and abundance in life.

Turkey was referred to as “the bird of courage” by Benjamin Franklin.

These birds are famous for the Thanksgiving celebrations.

They also symbolize either a new opportunity or the beginning of a fresh start.

If your spirit animal is a turkey, then you can count yourself to be lucky.

But, now it is the time to leave your comfort zone.

In this article, we will explore the symbolism and significance of the Turkey spirit animal along with the positive and negative traits linked with it.

If this is the topic of your interest, then give it a must read.

Turkey Spirit Animal

Turkey Spirit Animal

Turkey usually appears to be a reminder, so that we can appreciate our blessings in life.

Sometimes we keep on imagining things but all these need to be practical.

If you will maintain a constant pace in your life, then it will help you to welcome all sorts of new experiences.

If you can learn lessons from the spirit animal turkey, then you will be able to face all hardships in life.

Turkey Symbolism and Meaning

The turkey spirit animal usually symbolizes a positive and grateful nature.

If turkey is your spirit animal then it shows that you are considerate and gregarious.

You take a lot of care for those who are dear to you.

You have all those qualities for which the turkeys are famous for.

You are always happy to offer a helping hand to people who are in need and don’t feel shy to speak up about your thoughts.

Family members can easily sense your love and they rely on you.

You are going to be wealthy if your spirit animal is a turkey.

Moreover, it is likely that you have a vivid imagination and are also extra creative.

People whose spirit animal is turkey are considered to be innate artists.

Your positive outlook is adored by people and you always see positive things in people around you.

Characteristics and Personality

Old Turkey

If your spirit animal is a turkey, then optimism comes naturally.

You are always moving ahead towards your goals and also inspire others to do so.

Your optimistic attitude and ability to see the best in everything is valued by people.

You are more giving naturally and don’t expect anything from people in return.

The turkey as a spirit animal is linked with the symbol of mother nature.

Being a spiritual symbol, it reminds us to respect, nurture, and give value to others.

It inspires you to be generous and share your bit with everyone as much as possible.

It assists you to be grateful and contented in life for whatever has been given to you by the divine power.

Being a spirit animal, turkey defines and strengthens the connection between your existence and the universe.

Positive Characteristics of the Turkey Spirit Animal

When the turkey spirit animal comes in your way, then it reminds you to resolve all sorts of conflicts.

When you choose the turkey as your spirit animal, gratitude becomes easier. Here are some of the traits of the turkey spirit animal:

  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Positive
  • Good-natured
  • Optimistic
  • Leader
  • Fertile
  • Abundant
  • New beginnings

1) Generous

The spiritual meaning of seeing a turkey is often associated with abundance, generosity, and expression of gratitude.

You are considered to be a natural giver if the turkey is your spirit animal.

You have a strong belief that sharing is caring.

Being a turkey-spirited individual, you are an animal lover.

You can feel a stronger connection for all the voiceless souls.

2) Abundance

If the turkey is your spirit animal, then you have a sense of abundance in your life.

You have a strong belief that whatever is happening in your life is a blessing from the universe.

You are always grateful for the resources of nature and condemn everything that exploits the earth.

3) Nature lover

If you are a turkey-spirited individual then nothing can clear your mind, but a walk in nature.

You like to absorb the silence and beauty of nature.

It gives you strength and makes you strong so that you face everything with an open heart.

If you ever spend a moment of peace with nature then, it brings a lot of satisfaction for you.

Negative Characteristics of the Turkey Spirit Animal

Although the turkey is a magnificent bird, it is not without flaws. Here are some of the negative traits of the turkey spirit animal:

  • Arrogant
  • Stubborn
  • Proud
  • Intolerant
  • Jealous
  • Possessive
  • Resentful
  • Vengeful
  • Greedy

1) Sensitive

People always trust you and believe in your words.

They even feel comfortable to share their secrets with you.

Being a turkey-spirited person, you are highly sensitive and become worried over little things.

You even try to support others but people take advantage of you.

2) Jealous

It would be difficult to say that animals do feel jealousy in the same way that humans do because not all humans experience jealousy in the same way or for the same reasons, and “animals” is an overly broad term for a lot of very distantly related creatures.

I have seen some animals behave in ways that resemble jealousy if the same actions were performed by a human.

Some animals behave in ways that resemble jealousy as we experience and express it.

However, we do not have a reliable way of inquiring to find out if the animals are jealous, so we cannot be sure if it is jealousy that is motivating that behavior or if we are anthropomorphizing.

3) Greedy

Turkey’s spirited people tend to be greedy and vengeful at times.

But, you need to let go of all these negative feelings and move ahead of all these grudges.

Instead, try to forgive everyone and live a life of ease.

Turkey as an Animal totem

Being an animal totem, turkeys usually symbolize abundance and harvest.

When the turkey spirit animal comes into your life, it reminds you to take care of the seeds that are ready for the next harvest.

It usually opens the doors of opportunities for you so that you can excel in life.

It gives you the power to overcome your fears and express yourself at your best.

If your birth totem is turkey, then you need to connect with nature as much as possible so that you can manifest the best version of yourself.

Turkey as an Animal power

Beautiful Turkey

Whenever you feel low, then call on the turkey power animal.

Turkeys are believed to be an amazing survival instinct.

Whenever you want to meet the real you and rediscover yourself, then call on the turkey power animal.

Turkeys are familiar with whatever they are doing and what they are going to choose for the rest of their life.

Turkey power animal helps you to discover your best talents and it also lets you know what you are made of.

They protect their flocks without any sort of hesitation.

If you are trying to become a contributing member of the community, then turkeys may help you to get the right foot in the right door.

Moreover, sometimes you may feel confused regarding guiding people, then the turkey power animal shows you the right ways of guidance.

What does Turkey mean to Native Americans?

In Native American tribes, turkeys are considered to be a sign of fertility.

Many tribes like Creek used to set up turkey dances during their special celebrations.

Moreover, the feathers of turkey have honor in some of their rituals.

In Native American folktales, turkey has been depicted in many ways.

Somewhere, it has been presented as a trickster and on the other hand, he has been called shy.

In some beliefs, it is believed that turkey is a Rain spirit and you can predict the weather with it.

So, overall turkey is considered to be a positive gesture in Native American Culture.

Turkey Spirit Animal in Dreams

Dreaming of a turkey spirit animal is considered a sign of growth and abundance.

If in the dream a turkey is looking away from you then it shows that you are not thinking clearly.

If you see in your dream that a turkey is walking towards you but then suddenly takes a turn, then it shows that it is a gesture of change.

Dreaming of a healthy turkey pecking its food peacefully shows that you are doing well in your life and there is a good balance between work and relationships.

If you see in your dream that a turkey is hatching eggs then, it shows that new opportunities or some good news are on the way for you.

If you dreamt that some turkeys are fighting with each other then it shows that some conflict is about to arise in the family or friends circle.

Dreaming of a white turkey shows peace and contentment in your life.

It shows that if you are facing tough times, then they are about to end and good times are on the way.

If you have seen a black turkey in your dream, then it shows that you have lost all the motivation in your life.

Dreaming of a dead turkey shows that you didn’t recognize the golden opportunity that was waiting for you.

Mythological Significance of Turkey

In Native American symbolism, turkeys are believed to be an emblem of destiny.

On the annual celebration in the country, various tribes also arrange turkey dances.

In some myths, turkeys were used to forecast the weather too.

A turkey clan still exists among various tribes like Navajo, Shawnee, and Zuni.

Turkeys were also domesticated by the Aztec tribe before the time of Spanish colonization.

The people of Aztecs used to worship the Jade turkey whose name was Chalchiuhtotolin who was believed to be the God of disease and plague.

Some people used to worship him because according to their beliefs, the disease was cured in this way.

How to Understand Your Power Animal’s Message

Young Turkey

Turkeys may come into your life as your spirit animal when you need to channel your inner strength in a more balanced way.

The best way to understand your power animal’s message is by deep meditation.

It is only possible when you are alone and your mind is in peace and in a state of complete restlessness.

A turkey spirit animal can assist you in adopting a behavior of gratefulness and embracing all life changes.

So gather the turkey spirit to be the unique voice.

Are Turkeys a Good Omen?

Turkeys are generally seen as good omens, representing abundance, fertility, and nourishment.

They can also indicate a time of new beginnings or opportunities.

If you have the turkey as your spirit animal, you can consider yourself lucky.

It is the best time to set up goals once again in your life.

These birds have a great reputation for making things smooth in life.

Turkey as a spirit animal represents a lot of things.

Abundance, good luck, and fertility are often the most popular symbolism of turkey spirit animals.

If you have a heart of turkey, then nothing can come in your way.

You don’t need to be afraid of your flaws, instead try to learn new things.

If you can focus on the universe, then turkeys are teaching you wisdom, courage, and success.

By adopting the positive traits and leaving the negative ones, you can use the turkey’s energy to excel in life.

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