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Blue Jay Spirit Animal

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Blue Jay Spirit Animal: Everything Behind This Bird

But you may not know that the blue jay is an extremely intelligent creature that can form close family bonds.

Like many other birds, blue jays are considered spiritual animals.

They respect the qualities of fidelity, courage and curiosity.

Blue jays are believed to be the beauty of the backyard.

If you love birds, then you should know how graceful and intelligent blue jays are.

In this article, we’ll explore the deep symbolism associated with the blue jay, along with the positive and negative characteristics associated with it.

So if this is a topic that interests you, give it a read.

Blue Jay Spirit Animal

Blue Jay Spirit Animal

An animal spirit can usually present itself in various ways – live, in dreams or through media and art.

If the blue jay appears in your life repeatedly, it is very likely that it is your animal spirit.

There’s no need to ignore the blue jay’s spirit animal, as it can help you reach your full potential.

Blue jays as spirit animals usually act as your guide to help you achieve your goals.

This bird also asks you to expand your limitations and be fearless when it’s time to stand your ground.

Meaning and Symbolism

Blue jays generally symbolize bold expression, fidelity, devotion, intuition and protection.

The beautiful combination of black, white and blue colors in the blue jay provides a relaxing experience for the eyes.

The sky-blue color of blue jays usually symbolizes freedom, faith, tranquillity and trust.

Being a spiritual animal, blue jays are considered a symbol of strength and patience.

These creatures are considered intelligent enough to find their own peanuts.

Being a spirited person, you are determined to overcome all obstacles in your life.

You love communicating with people and are very good at it.

The blue jay’s feathers are stunning and, once you’ve looked at them, you’ll be praising God’s creature.

If you look clearly at the blue jay’s features, you’ll know that they’re not exactly blue, but grayish in color.

The ancient American tribes believe that the feather of the blue jay is sacred.

They used to paint their bodies with the help of crushed blue jay feathers as an animal totem that can bring them good luck and victory.

In addition, finding a blue jay feather is considered a sign of hope and positivity.

It also refers to the healing of your body, mind and spirit.

These characteristics are also considered a sign that new opportunities are on the way for you.

Characteristics and personality

Blue Jay

Blue jays always create a feeling of joy and hope in the mind and help you to have an optimistic approach to life.

It’s great fun to watch them pick up the peanuts on a sunny morning.

You’ll never get bored if you do it every day.

People whose spirit animal is the blue jay have very interesting personalities, as well as positive and negative traits.

Positive powers of blue jay spirit animal

The blue jay spirit animal usually symbolizes intuition along with the spiritual aspiration and the desire to connect with the higher power.

Here are some of the positive traits of the blue jay spirit animal:

  • Intuition
  • Loyalty
  • Curiosity
  • Communication
  • Optimism
  • Happiness
  • Faithfulness
  • Teamwork
  • Power of awareness

1) Courage

Blue jays are not known for being the fastest birds, on the contrary, they have no speed.

They are generally small birds, but they let their voice be heard and don’t hesitate to chase away larger birds.

The blue jay is considered a positive symbol for gathering courage, even if you sometimes feel insecure.

Be bold, speak up and let your voice be heard.

2) Loyalty

Like the eagle, the crow and many other birds, blue jays mate for life.

This act makes the blue jay stand out from other birds because it is a loyal creature.

There’s a saying that a true blue friend will never let you down and that’s what the blue jay does for you.

The blue jay not only symbolizes loyalty to your loved one, but also presents the need to remain loyal to yourself.

You need to speak your truth without being afraid of anyone.

3) Opportunity

As a person with a blue jay spirit, you are always looking for new opportunities and possibilities in life.

Blue jays easily find their regular bird feeders.

They don’t create their nest at random, but look for the spot carefully and take up residence somewhere.

The blue jay spirit in you helps you to have skills, knowledge and intelligence and to make use of them at the right time.

4) Optimism

Blue jays are considered wonderful birds, capable of creating a feeling of joy and happiness whenever someone notices them.

They are symbols of hope and joy.

If you’re stuck in a situation and can’t find a way out of it, invoke the animal spirit of the blue jay.

As a blue jay, you bring hope and confidence to people who are feeling discouraged.

5) Protection

Blue jays are considered to leave the nest if they sense any kind of danger.

If your spirit animal is the blue jay, then you are very defensive and highly protective of your loved ones.

You are capable of doing anything to protect your family and loved ones.

Negative powers of blue jay spirit animal

Along with a lot of positive power, some negative powers are also linked with blue jay spirit animals.

Here are some of these:

  • Egoistic
  • Noisy
  • Possessiveness

1) Egoistic

Blue jay spirit animals are considered good communicators.

They are quite confident, lively and also social creatures.

At the same time, they are also arrogant and feel proud of their extraordinary abilities.

This can even create the wrong impression of yourself.

If you’re a spirited person like the blue jay, you’ll always need to keep your feet on the ground and have a humble nature.

2) Noisy

Blue jays are well known for their variety of sounds.

Some of their main sounds are the mocking sound, the gurgling sound and the whistling sound.

You should know that the chirping sound is quite relaxing, but they also scream loudly to communicate with their fellow birds.

If you’re a blue jay, you may not be noisy, but you’re always making a fuss.

You need to practice deep meditation to be at peace.

Blue jay as an animal totem

As your birth totem, the blue jay represents your confidence.

Being a blue jay spirit person, you can easily communicate your needs and you can also express things without hesitation.

You know how to win people’s respect because of your loving and independent nature.

The blue jay is considered the greatest ally for moving forward when you feel like giving up.

Shamans used to believe that the blue jay is a symbol of pride and opportunity.

The blue jay reminds us to be graceful in all situations.

Blue jay as a power animal

You need to see the blue jay as an animal of power if you want to discover the lessons of past lives.

In times of need, these fragments of wisdom often transform ordinary life into something extraordinary.

Blue jays often help people who are very shy and don’t know how to convey these messages.

Working with blue jays helps you to express your power when it’s time to be silent.

What does blue jay mean in Native American culture?

Blue Jay on a branch

For Native Americans, blue jays are considered tricksters, like the crow and the coyote.

They also consider blue jays to be an intelligent medicinal animal.

In a Chinook legend, blue jays visit the land of the dead where their sister loi used to live and she married a ghost.

Dream interpretation of blue jay spirit animal

If the blue jay appears in your life, it may be trying to show you a way forward or trying to warn you.

If, in your dream, the blue jay knocks on the window and eats food, this shows that you need to look for new opportunities in life and be open to communication.

If you dreamt of a bluebird flying around you, it shows that you need to connect with people you haven’t interacted with for a long time.

Dreaming of a blue jay singing shows that you need to express yourself with confidence and love the people who are close to you.

Seeing the feathers of a blue jay is considered a warning sign and shows that you need to be conscious about trusting people.

If you’ve seen a blue jay in a cage, it shows a desire for freedom.

It also shows that you are stuck in your current life, which is not in line with what you want.

Seeing a blue jay in your dream also shows that you need to express yourself in some way.

The blue jay serves as a signal to be heard and share your point of view.

If you’re still unsure about blue jay dreams, consider the emotion you had at the time.

We all have one thing in common: our subconscious emotions that don’t lie to us.

Mythological significance of blue jay spirit animal

The blue jays usually appear in other folklores in the US mainly in Native America.

They think that blue jays are the tricksters.

Blue jays are noisy, selfish and arrogant creatures.

They used to associate blue jays with a bad omen.

Seeing blue jays at home means that some people may be jealous of you and try to cause trouble.

In Christianity, the sight of a blue jay is considered a sign of good luck and optimism.

It also shows that good news is on the way for you.

It also means having faith and determination in yourself and not giving up on your dreams.

The Celtic people used to regard oak trees as a sacred plant.

Blue jays often nest in oak trees.

The ancient Celtic tribes used to think that the blue jays helped them welcome the oaks by scattering the seeds.

How to connect with blue jay power animal

Blue Jay on the water

If you want to connect with the animal spirit of the blue jay, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Then take a deep breath.

As the air flows down your nose, you need to bring to mind the image of a beautiful meadow.

Imagine the soft grass under your feet and the warm sun on your skin.

You will feel a deep connection with this incredible bird.

Next, imagine that you are approaching the spirit animal of the blue jay, offering it your respect and gratitude.

Allow the blue jay’s energy to enter you, so that it can fill you with a keen intuition.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and take a look at the messages you’ve received.

Then thank the animal spirit of the blue jay.

Are blue jays a good omen?

Based on the type of encounter with the blue jay, it can be labeled as a good or bad omen.

If you see a flock of blue jays, it could be a sign that you need to reconnect with your friends and family.

Seeing a single blue jay could be a sign that you need to be confident and fearless in everything you do.

If you have seen a blue jay vocalizing in your dreams, this could represent that you have someone trustworthy in your life.

Let the blue jay inspire you to take a break and embrace a life full of independence and freedom.

The blue jay is always looking for new horizons, so let it connect with you and guide you on the path of limitless possibilities.

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