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Bat Spirit Animal

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Meaning and Symbolism of Bat Spirit Animal

If the bat spirit animal comes across your life, then it is important to know its meanings and symbolism.

Bats usually emerge at night, because their eye sight is not very well developed.

This shows that their remaining senses are well-honed and they can navigate their ways, and this is because of their intuition.

The Bat being your spirit animal, warns you when you are going to face a major change in your life.

In this article, we’ll explore the symbolism linked with the bat spirit animal, along with the positive and negative powers associated with it.

So, if this is the topic of your interest, then give it a read because this will assist you to find the true purpose of your life.

Bat Spirit Animal

Bat Spirit Animal

If the bat spirit animal appears in your life, then it is signifying a major change in your life.

It asks you to pay attention to your surroundings carefully.

Being a spirit animal,  bat is often linked with rebirth and is believed to be a sign of transition.

It usually serves as an omen in times when you need to start a new journey and need to discover the hidden truths regardless of what is known or what has been accepted.

Bats are also seen as messengers and they represent supernatural forces that connect with them during the hours of transition.

Their natural nocturnal habit gives them the power to see through the dark and spiritual insight that makes them exceptional guides.

Meaning and Symbolism

Spirit animals usually carry a lot of messages for the people of different cultures and beliefs.

Bat as your spirit animal tries to send you messages in various forms.

Either in the form of dreams or any sort of direct encounter with the bat spirit animal.

If you encounter a bat many times in your daily routine, then it is asking you to pay attention to your surroundings.

The bat as a spirit animal symbolizes the death of a part of your ego which is not serving you anymore and tells you that now you need to redefine your direction of life.

It tells you that now is the best time to give a different attitude and follow your intuition to get out of the beaten path and rediscover yourself.

The more you embrace this new destiny, it is more likely that the universe will put all powers in your support.

The bat symbolism also shows that there is no need to stop pursuing your spiritual development because it leads us towards self-discovery.

Just pay head to your inner self and don’t be disturbed by your ego.

Think that it is the time to renew your thoughts and beliefs for one that will assist you in self-development and personal growth.

Characteristics and Personality traits

Bats are considered to be intuitive creatures and they are highly aware of their surroundings.

They can easily see through people’s illusions and intentions and they are naturally gifted.

These animals are keenly perceptive of the situations and the people.

If a bat is your spirit animal, then it means that you are extremely social, you value your bonds a lot and they mean the world to you.

These animals are never afraid of change and they trust their intuition and resilience.

Bats usually renew them every night whenever they go out and look for food accompanied by the moonlight.

Bats are usually excellent communicators as these are the most vocal mammals that can produce calls to mate, find a fellow bat, and defend themselves from their enemies.

Positive Powers of Bat Spirit Animal

Vampire Bat

The bat is considered to be linked with a lot of positive powers.

Here are some of these:

  • Acute perception
  • Balance
  • Good fortune
  • Willpower      
  • Community
  • Longevity
  • Adaptability

1) Good fortune

The bat is considered to extend the life force of fruit trees and other plants with the help of pollination.

Bats usually live in large groups and they are considered to be a symbol of abundance, success, and good fortune.

In Chinese culture, a bat is considered to be a sign of wealth, happiness, and joy.

If the bat spirit animal comes in your life, then it is considered to be a sign of good fortune that is coming your way.

You may have heard an adage that “Being blind as a bat” but it has no significance because bats have a sharp ability to navigate the situations.

Bat as a spirit animal combines qualities like good fortune, and the ability to see that what is about to happen.

2) Balance

If the bat is your spirit animal, then it reminds you to maintain balance in your life.

This balance can be in the finances, diet and all the activities you are performing in your life.

3) Perceptive

Bats are extremely perceptive creatures.

Their eyesight is not very excellent but all other senses are extremely sharp, which leads them to be attentive to their surroundings.

These animals can spot deception from miles away, so that is why they are not easy to manipulate.

These creatures never give a damn about the opinions of others.

They trust their intuition and use wisdom to find meaning in their experiences.

4) Will power

This animal usually has an extraordinary will power and strength and it can be verified by the way they give birth.

Their body is hanging upside down and they support themselves with their legs.

These single-handedly fight with the gravity and the forces of the Universe to get whatever they want.

5) Longevity

Bats are well known to live a long time, which is up to 20 years.

This is about the double lifetime an average squirrel lives.

Bats have inhabited the Earth for a very long time, about 50 million years ago.

The fact that they live on the land for a long time also symbolizes their longevity.

In China, the bat is revered a lot because it is believed to be a symbol of wisdom.

Being a symbol of longevity, bats give you a reminder that the best years are ahead of you.

Bat people are the type of people who get better with age.

The bat as a spirit animal reminds you that nothing can make up for experience.

Negative Powers of Bat Spirit Animal

Along with a lot of positive powers of the bat spirit animal, some negative traits are also linked with it.

Here are some of these:

  • Obscurity
  • Energy drain
  • Unhygienic
  • Unpredictable

1) Unclean

It is believed that bats are carnivorous and it allows them to spread a lot of terrible diseases like ebola and rabies.

When they enter into the swarms, they cause highly deadly diseases.

This idea of being bat unclean is uncommon in Christianity.

2) Energy drain

The association of the bat with the blood-sucking vampire is usually considered to be its negative power.

Because in such cases, a bat spirit present draining affects the vitality and enthusiasm of the people.

So, the bat spirited people are considered to be a source of energy drainage in the society and they are considered extremely lethargic.

3) Unpredictable

Bats are usually agile creatures and they are capable of the erratic light patterns.

In a negative interpretation, the bat spirit usually represents unpredictability and chaos.

Those people whose spirit animal is bat, are often seen struggling in their life to achieve the long term goals.

4) Fear and intimidation

Bats are often linked with fear due to their nocturnal nature and eerie appearance.

In a negative light, bat spirit may represent fear and a feeling of intimidation.

Bat as an animal totem

Bat flying over water

The bat is considered to be an incredible animal totem.

It has been used as a symbol of luck, power, and transformation in many cultures.

People whose animal totem is bat, are believed to be intuitive and mysterious.

You can wear a bat talisman so that it can guide you through spiritual transformations.

A bat totem pole can also assist you to reveal old secrets, even those which we are even hiding from ourselves.

If you are such a person, who keeps secrets in the dark then a bat statue will help you to face your fears.

Bat as an animal power

The bat as an animal power usually represents a unique and a transformative energy.

Having the unique abilities and the nocturnal power, the bat spirit signifies a connection with heightened sense of intuition.

Just like the bat navigating through the darkness, those who embrace the bat spirit are often guided with their ability to get to know about all the mysteries of life.

This spirit animal usually symbolizes the power of rebirth.

Being an animal totem, bat encourages you to delve deep into your subconsciousness.

What does a bat mean in Native American Culture

In the Native American culture, the bat is considered to be linked with wisdom, guidance, and the sense of guardianship.

It is often considered to be a special messenger between the spirit and the physical world in some of their tribes.

The bat medicine is linked with death and rebirth and it serves as a symbol of transformation.

In some of the Native American tribes, the bat totem is believed to teach us to go into the inner dark world and attune ourselves with higher perspectives.

Among the Zuni people, the bat symbolism is often linked with rain and cleaning.

In the Zuni culture, the bat is believed to be the guardian of the night.

Bats are also linked with the power of death, rebirth and life.

Dream interpretation of bat spirit animal

Dreaming of a bat has a lot of meanings, depending upon the context of the dream and the personal circumstances of the dreamer.

Many people think that the bad dreams symbolize a feeling of fear and uneasiness and it means that they are overwhelmed with some situations.

Seeing a bat in the dreams indicates that you should leave your old habits which are preventing you from unfolding your potential.

If the bat swoops in your dreams, this may serve as a warning for the path you are choosing.

Make sure that you are following the route which propels your growth and fulfills your spirit.

Mythological significance of bat spirit animal

Native Americans consider the bat as a wise spirit that guides them through the darkness.

For such tribes, bat medicine can free us from our old conditioning and allow us to find new dimensions for ourselves.

They also link the meanings of the bat with the trickster.

You should always be ready to expect all of the unexpected situations in life.

Some shamanic practices also use the bat totem to tap into their deep inner world.

For the Zuni tribes, bats also symbolize rain and cleaning of the soul.

They are also believed to be the guardians of the night.

How to understand your power animal’s message

Bat upside down

If the bat is showing up repeatedly in your life, then remember that it is trying to tell you a message.

If you are not sure about anything, then try to think about this situation.

Then take a moment and think that either the powers of the bat spirit animal can help you in the process.

If you are a very rational person, then you may need to trust your intuition.

Try to do meditation in a serene place and connect with your inner self so that you can sense everything.

This message may mean that you are about to witness a major change in your life and you need to be mindful of your surroundings.

Overall, this message will give you an impulse and strength so that you can move forward without fearing the consequences in your life.

Are bats a good omen?

It is believed in many cultures that encountering a bat is a symbol of bad luck.

Some of the interpretations also say that bats symbolize death and losing something valuable.

These beliefs still linger today for people who are superstitious.

The bat has had a great importance in the spiritual and the supernatural world for centuries.

Call on to the bat spirit and reinvent yourself.

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