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Butterfly Spirit Animal

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Butterfly Spirit Animal: Symbolism and Meaning

Everyone has their guardian spirit animal which is an energy that is assigned to them and is responsible for the well-being of a person and good luck.

In the past, people used to think that a universal force was present in the form of animals and couldn’t be seen by the human eye.

No other insect presents the process of transformation more perfectly than the butterfly.

The butterfly as a spirit animal symbolizes change and transformation.

In this article, we’ll explore the deep symbolism linked with the butterfly along with the positive and negative traits associated with it.

So, if this is the topic of your interest then give it a read.

Butterfly Spirit Animal

Butterfly Spirit Animal

If a butterfly is your spirit animal then it means that you are continuously evolving.

You understand that life is the process of change and you are ready to flow with the cycles of life.

Being a butterfly-spirited person allows you to live your life fully and helps you to dance light-heartedly all day.

Sometimes you may feel that you have entangled yourself in various directions, then you need to take some time and focus on what is really important for you.

Butterfly Meaning and Symbolism

The butterfly spirit animal symbolizes renewal and metamorphosis as it flies through the sunny fields to search happiness and joy.

The lifecycle of butterflies starting from egg, caterpillar, pupa and then butterfly shows the change we all go through in our lives.

The egg usually symbolizes the potential for life, the caterpillar symbolizes the time when we all crawl in our life, the pupa is considered to be a sign of adolescence and the butterfly is believed to be a symbol of beauty of adulthood.

If you have keenly observed the caterpillar stage, then you may be aware that it goes through dark and difficult phases before converting into a beautiful butterfly, so this is how everyone goes through trials in life to achieve something.

It is considered to be a great symbol of inner and outer beauty along with divine power.

If you see a butterfly, then it gives you a reminder of your inner growth and self discovery.

As a spirit animal, butterflies are often linked with harmony and balance.

They always bring happiness for the people around them and it is considered to be a sign of good luck.

This spirit animal is considered to be a sign of light in the darkness and tells us that no matter how hard life gets, you need to have faith that this tough phase of life will pass.

Anyone whose spirit animal is a butterfly are usually attracted to the qualities of other people.

They can even find out something good in a negative situation and always try to have an optimistic approach towards life.

In many cultures, butterflies are often linked with pure love that emerges from kind hearts and reunites people.

Characteristics and personality

Black and Blue Butterfly

Butterfly spirit animals are usually very kind and polite.

It is always filled with positive energy and love when they are appreciated by people.

Anyone whose spirit animal is butterfly, knows the importance of spiritual change and is always conscious of how much anyone strives to shape his real self in life.

Butterfly spirited people are usually social and they love to communicate with others.

Such people love the beauty of nature and are guided by the greatest good that comes in their way.

Whenever people are around the birth of a butterfly, they can find the heaviness lifting and a good time coming close to them.

Positive powers of butterfly spirit animal

Butterfly is usually considered to be a good symbol in various cultures and it is associated with a lot of positive traits. Here are some of these:

  • Transformation
  • Renewal
  • Sweet
  • Joy and happiness
  • Endurance
  • Honest
  • New beginning
  • Freedom

1) Transformation

The butterfly is usually considered to be a sign of transformation.

Due to its developmental stages, butterflies are believed to have the ability to move from one state of life to another by enduring the hardships with grace.

Whenever the butterfly spirit guide comes into your life then it may be trying to give you a gesture of positive and important changes in your life.

These changes are not only environmental but they also bring inner peace.

These can be related with your own perspective on any topic, the personality aspects and your developed habits.

So, the butterfly is considered to be symbolic of personal growth and development.

2) New beginnings

If you see a butterfly in your dream or have a direct encounter with it, then it shows upcoming change and start of new beginnings in your life.

Such a change is believed to be a major change that can have a lot of impact in your life.

If you have ever felt that you got stuck in a situation, then the butterfly as your spirit animal encourages you to move forward with courage and stay persistent on the way.

So, let’s get ready to welcome this change in your life which can bring serenity and fill you with joy.

Whatever happens after it will give you a lot of benefit and can bring you step closer towards your dreams and the lifestyle you have dreamt of.

3) Light hearted 

Butterflies have a special trait that they can face challenging times in life with courage and light heart and don’t overthink about the situation.

They find pleasure in leaping through uplifting environments and are ready to receive blessings towards them.

4) Freedom

Butterflies are often considered to be a symbol of freedom because they have the ability to fly freely and move from one place to another.

If you want to explore things in life and meet new people and visit the world then it is more likely that your spirit animal is a butterfly.

This is how butterflies and freedom are linked with each other.

Butterfly is an optimistic insect and it is always ready to accept challenges, and gives a reminder that nothing is unachievable.

If the butterfly is your spirit animal, then it is a call to your freedom.

Negative powers of butterfly

Along with a lot of positive traits of butterflies, these are some of the negative traits associated with it. Here are some of these:

  • Vulnerability
  • Over sensitive
  • Distracted
  • Fleeting nature
  • Needy

1) Vulnerability

If you have clearly observed the butterfly, then you may be familiar with its delicate wings that makes them vulnerable to any sort of damage.

In another sense, their fragility could symbolize a person’s vulnerability to external challenges, suggesting the lack of resilience or the lack of ability to understand the challenges of life.

2) Oversensitive

Spirit animals are always considered to be linked with joy and happiness but there are times when they tend to be emotional.

The Butterfly as a spirit animal is triggered easily by the small things and even the slightest mood swings.

So, that is why your spirit animal is butterfly, then you tend to be extremely sensitive and you feel all little things.

3) Fleeting nature

The short life span of butterflies can be considered to be a gesture of transience and its fleeting nature of joy or success.

This can also be interpreted negatively, suggesting that happiness and success are always temporary and can vanish quickly.

Butterfly as an Animal Totem

People who are born with butterflies as their totem animal possess a natural lightness of spirit.

They love the beauty of nature and they are often guided by the good when it comes to maintaining harmony with the environment.

When you work with a butterfly animal totem, you’ll find that you are better equipped to have a look at the difficult situations.

Butterfly-spirited people are social, vibrant and colorful.

Those tribes whose totem was a butterfly used to pay tribute to them not only because of its ability to transform but also being a freedom-loving creature.

Butterflies as an animal totem can be used for a lot of reasons and the most important of them is its summoning power to go through the phase of transformation in life.

Butterfly as an Animal power

Butterfly on a flower

If you are looking for some changes in your life, then butterfly as a power animal comes on your call.

It doesn’t matter what part of your life is going through transitions.

Other times when a butterfly magic is very helpful when you hit a creative wall or have lost a joy to anxiety and stress.

During migration monarch butterflies are supposed to land on almost every tree just like their ancestors.

The butterfly as an animal power gives you a reminder that you are a child star born of the universe.

What does Butterflies mean in Native American?

In various Native American tribes, butterflies are interpreted in a lot of ways, but generally, they are considered to be linked with change, hope, positivity and comfort.

Many people used to believe that ancestors used to communicate through butterflies, and their presence was considered to be a source of joy and happiness.

Various colors of butterflies are believed to carry different messages.

However, the black butterflies are believed to be linked with sickness in many tribes.

Spirit Animal Butterfly in Dreams

If you have seen a butterfly in your dreams, then it shows that you are going through a major change in your life.

Such a big change can alter your career, living standard or your relationship status.

No matter what sort of change it is, it will leave a major impact in your life.

If you have seen a butterfly flying above the green grass in your dreams then it is believed to be a good sign.

Many people link it with good wealth and prosperity and such a dream is considered to be a positive gesture.

Such a dream can also show that you are more likely to reconnect with your old friends.

If in your dream you see that the butterfly has landed on your hand, then it represents the discovery of true love.

Being surrounded by white butterflies in the dreams, shows that you should expect to meet some amazing people and will spend a happy time with them.

On the other hand, it also shows upcoming opportunities in your life.

Mythological Significance of Butterfly

In the mythology of various cultures, butterflies are considered to be a symbol of soul, resurrection, and transformation.

In Chinese culture, the butterfly represents immortality and eternal bliss.

Moreover in Mexico, butterflies were considered to be an attribute of the god’s offspring along with love.

In Native America, people used to believe that butterflies were messengers from the spiritual world, while ancient Greeks considered them to be linked with the soul.

How to Understand Your Power Animal’s Message

One of the best ways to understand the message of your power animal is to get engaged in telepathic communication with it.

Along with it, the most common way is deep meditation.

This practice has been in trend for ages and still many people go for it.

In the past, meditation was used to comprehend and explain the spiritual and mystical aspects of life.

But, nowadays meditation is being used to reduce stress.

Imagine for some time that a blank paper is present on the ground and this is not your concern to know if there is something written on it or not.

Now just imagine that your power animal, the butterfly, is landing on it and moving over it by creating some illustrations.

Now take some time and relax and try to understand this whole process.

Once it is over, you will be able to see the signs that butterflies are trying to reveal on you.

Then clearly interpret all of them in your current state.

How To Use the Butterfly Spirit Animal Power

Butterfly on a leaf

If you are using the power of a butterfly spirit animal, then it means you can understand its special meaning and bring its good parts into your life.

You can get an idea of change in your life and know how you can tackle them.

The butterfly spirit animal encourages you to show yourself in creative ways just like the bright colors on its wings.

If you take on all these qualities, you can use the butterfly spirit animal’s power to manage changes.

Are Butterflies a Good Omen?

Seeing a butterfly is considered to be a good omen.

Butterflies usually symbolize hope and positivity and overall they bring positive energy everywhere.

If you are facing some tough times in time, butterflies may be trying to tell you this time is about to end.

So, if you ever find yourself noticing these amazing creatures, then take it as a sign that the good things are waiting for you.

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