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Dolphin Spirit Animal

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Dolphin Spirit Animal: Symbolism and Meaning

Dolphins are considered to be captivating marine creatures that have captured the minds and hearts of people for ages.

The elegant creatures not only stand aloud for their beauty but also for their symbolism across various cultures.

The Dolphin spirit animal has a lot of qualities and holds deeper symbolism.

It is considered to be a sign of peace and harmony.

This animal of the deep water is believed to be joyful, compassionate, intelligent and protective.

In this article, we’ll explore the symbolism of the dolphin spirit animal along with the positive and negative powers associated with it.

So, if this is a topic of your interest, then give it a must read.

Dolphin Spirit Animal

Dolphin Spirit Animal

As a spirit animal, dolphins enter the life of those people who need to communicate with others effectively.

This creature teaches those out of touch with the rhythms and messages of nature.

Many people believe that dolphins have higher intelligence as compared to humans.

Many theories even believe that these were aliens long ago.

Dolphin gives you a lesson of self-love.

Being a spirit animal, the dolphin comes into the life of those people who need to make a connection with their inner child again.

It has been proved that laughter and playing is a healthy habit, so being a child you can do so.

Whenever the dolphins come to mind you need to make sure that your head and heart maintain a balance.

Dolphins as a spirit animals can help you breathe and help you to grow spiritually.

You can’t spend life in peace if you are equipped with bad experiences.

So, a dolphin comes your way to navigate those waves.

Dolphin Meaning and Symbolism

Two Dolphins swimming together

It is believed that dolphins have psychic abilities.

They can understand all the truths of life and apply them in their daily life.

The dolphin spirit animal usually represents balance and is considered a symbol of protection.

It has been proven in history that dolphins save people from drowning or any type of shark attack, which is why they are considered to be the protectors.

Moreover, the dolphin symbolizes rebirth and renewal.

Many people who encounter dolphins in any way, find that their life is changing.

Dolphins have also accepted their fate and they learn a lot from every experience of their life.

They are believed to be the intelligent creatures on the planet Earth.

It has been proved in this way, that they use various objects to achieve their goals while being gentle to all other species.

Characteristics and Personality

It is believed that dolphins serve as a sort of connection between humanity and nature.

They usually consolidate the elements of water and air.

If you know in detail then you may be aware that air is usually linked with higher intelligence while water is believed to be a sign of emotional depth.

Dolphins usually represent energy that is filled with curiosity.

Dolphins can be considered the best companions of humans in the ocean because they have been guiding us for a long time.

They are considered to be a sign of protection, as there are a lot of stories when dolphins saved other creatures.

In Greece, dolphins are considered to be the best guides.

So, dolphins are not only linked with intelligence but they are also considered to be associated with protection and a sign of spiritual awakening.

Dolphins can sense different animals because of their highly developed brains which know how to react to a specific situation.

Dolphin spirit animal positive powers

Dolphins are believed to have a lot of positive powers. Here are some of these:

  • Resurrection
  • Teamwork
  • Higher Intelligence
  • Protection
  • Playfulness
  • Freedom
  • Corporation

1) Resurrection

Dolphins have been linked with resurrection for ages.

The ancient Greeks used to believe that they usually carried the souls of the dead to the afterlife.

Christians believe that dolphins carry the souls to Christ and then they are reborn.

People who are attracted to the dolphin spirit animal may be on the edge of emotional rebirth.

2) Freedom

We can only express our personality fully if we start accepting ourselves.

Expressing freedom is not about having attachments with people or having the liberty to do everything one wants to.

The spirit guide dolphin helps us to understand how to be free by accepting the divine plan the universe has for us.

Dolphins enjoy their life a lot and don’t waste time overthinking.

Well, if we consider dolphins as our spirit guide, then we can live a life free of worries.

 3) Protection

For ages, sailors used to believe that dolphins are good omen.

Dolphins have been seen to help those people who are drowning in the water along with chasing sharks in the ocean.

This is why dolphins have earned a reputation of being the protectors.

They help you to understand that in tough times we need to save others.

4) Higher Intelligence

Dolphins are considered to be the most intelligent creatures.

They usually have a large brain and they use it fully.

Their quality of having higher intelligence is somewhat correlated with kindness.

Once you get to know all the secrets and mysteries of life, then you start loving every part of it.

The spirit guide dolphin assists you on the way to being altruistic.

Negative powers of dolphin spirit animal

Along with a lot of positive traits, some negative qualities are also linked with dolphin spirit animals. Here are these:

  • Lack of focus
  • Naive
  • Emotional vulnerability
  • Restlessness
  • Insensitivity

1) Lack of focus

Dolphins are famous for their playful and carefree nature, but sometimes it results in a lack of focus.

If a dolphin is your spirit animal, then you need to be sure that you are giving attention to all the things.

2) Insensitive

Dolphins can be cruel to other creatures of the ocean.

They sometimes eat their babies, attack humans, and consider other fishes as their toys.

You need to keep a check in life that you are not happy at the expense of someone else.

3) Restlessness

Dolphins can be seen moving in the oceans all the time.

That is why they are considered to be restless creatures.

If the dolphin is your spirit animal, then you may find it difficult to find moments of peace in life.

Dolphin as an animal totem

Dolphin swimming 

Those people who are born with a dolphin as an animal totem are considered to be fun-loving.

You tend to be happy at times and if you are in love with someone, then this love has no bounds.

Dolphin-spirited people tend to protect their families either young or injured.

The Dolphin power totem presents a person who is at ease with his environment.

If you want to keep the personality traits of this animal, keep any of its symbols around you.

It can be anything: a symbol, written words, or anything that can link you with this animal.

Keeping the dolphin totem in your home brings guidance, higher intelligence, and empathy to you.

Dolphins as a power animal

Whenever you find yourself occupied in sadness, then you need to reach out to the dolphin as a power animal.

This animal teaches you how to get out of the waves of melancholy and take a fresh breath.

Dolphin as a power animal assists you to go for improved communication.

Dolphins know well how to balance words with listening skills.

What does the Dolphin symbolize in Native American culture?

Dolphins stories were present in Native American tribes that were present near the ocean.

On the West Coast, natives used to say that dolphins were once humans but now they have changed their form and became the guardians of the tribe.

Many other beliefs said that dolphins used to save those people who were at risk of drowning.

Dolphins are often linked with rebirth.

Even in Native America, the consumption of dolphin meat was prohibited because dolphins were considered sacred guardians for everyone traveling by sea.

Even the people of Chumash believed that a dolphin could even kill themselves as a sacrifice to feed humans.

Moreover, in some tribes, people used to hold ceremonial dolphin dances to pay ovation to this creature.

This is the only creature that is both admired and feared a lot.

Dolphins are just like humans regarding their intelligence and sensitivity.

Dolphin spirit animal dreams

Dreaming of a dolphin represents emotional self, and sometimes a war with your intellect.

The Dolphin is considered to be a symbol of protection and may serve as a caution for what is next in life for you.

If you decode the messages that are being sent to you by dreams, then these are not different from real life.

You can use the universe as a way of communication with divine power.

If you dreamt of a dolphin in a social setting, then it means that you need to work on your communication skills.

If you have seen a dolphin swimming in your dreams, then it represents the need for freedom.

If a large number of dolphins are swimming together, then it shows that happiness is on the way.

Dolphins may also appear in your dream to help you to express yourself and convey love and mercy.

Mythological significance of Dolphin

Dolphin swimming to the surface of the water

In Greek, several myths are usually linked with dolphins and they are considered to be the helpers of mankind.

Dolphins were also believed to be the messengers of Poseidon, which was the Greek God of the sea.

In Rome, dolphins were thought to bring the souls of the dead to the islands.

They used to link these animals with the natural processes of life like death and resurrection.

For the people of Maori and New Zealand, dolphins were considered to be water spirits.

In the sculptures for the East, dolphins are linked with Atargatis, the mother goddess who was considered to be the receiver of the dead that could be born again.

How to Understand Your Power Animal’s Message

One of the most accurate ways to understand the message of your power animal is to ask yourself what it actually means.

It can be easy to rely on universal symbolism, but in the end, what matters is your intuition.

Your spirit guide is always sending you messages and you need to understand it in one way or another.

You need to understand these messages according to your own mindset, experience, and belief.

So take some time and understand what message is being conveyed to you.

How to connect with the animal spirit dolphin?

In order to connect power animals,  you need to do meditation.

For this, you need to find a quiet space and give focus on your breathing pattern.

Take a moment and imagine that you are alone in such a place where no one can disturb you.

It will be better if you find such a place somewhere in the arms of nature.

Now, this is a time to think and ponder about your spirit animal dolphin.

Imagine that you are swimming in the ocean.

Feel the water waves surrounding you and touching your body.

The wind is passing through your hair and you are breathing in the salty air.

In this visualization, you can imagine yourself in any way to want to.

This can be the best way to connect with the dolphin animal spirit.

By understanding your emotions, you can get the right answer.

If this makes you feel happy then it means that you are following the right direction.

Are dolphins a good omen?

Yes, dolphins are considered to be a sign of good omen.

The dolphin symbolizes the power of love.

Dolphins hold a special place in our hearts, and thanks to their intelligence and gentle nature.

By understanding the rich symbolism associated with dolphins, one can learn valuable life lessons that can guide one in his journey.

Let the spirit of the dolphin guide you to have a deeper understanding of yourself while exploring the depths of your potential.

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