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Dragon Spirit Animal

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Dragon Spirit Animal (Behind This Epic Creature)

The Dragon, as a spirit animal, symbolizes power, spirituality, and change.

In some cultures, it is often associated with protection and a sign of royalty.

Have you ever felt drawn to the healing arts? If yes, then a Dragon as a Spirit Animal can assist you with it.

The Dragon is a very powerful and ancient spirit animal that carries magnificent magical powers.

The Dragon Spirit Animal can teach you self-love and empowerment.

In this article, we’ll explore the deeper meaning of the Dragon Spirit Animal and also look at the positive and negative traits associated with this Dragon Spirit Animal.

So, if this is the topic of your interest, then give it a read.

Dragon Spirit Animal

Dragon Spirit Animal

The Dragon spirit is usually attracted to people who are intelligent, enthusiastic, and have authority.

The Dragon Spirit Animal guides such people towards success and enlightenment.

In this setting, the Dragon spirit teaches you to roar and find your inner voice that can be heard and understood by people.

The Dragon is a unique and rare spirit animal, and in the initial encounter, you may find yourself intimidated by this creature.

Being a spirit animal, a dragon comes to you for a good cause and is worthy of your respect.

The Dragon Spirit Animal has been respected in many cultures and is feared a lot.

Whenever the Dragon spirit arrives in your life, you can get in touch with it by knowing your inner self.

Meaning and Symbolism

There is no doubt that Dragons are the oldest and most powerful spirit guides.

The presence of a Dragon in your life is not just this creature; rather, it serves as a title for your abilities.

You are referred to as a Dragon when you have enough power to face all the hurdles of life by staying calm and cool.

The Dragon Spirit Animal is considered to be a symbol of power.

In the East, the meanings and symbolisms of the Dragon used to revolve around the power of the emperor.

As a Spirit Animal, the Dragon is also considered to be a creator of destiny.

If a Dragon is your spirit animal, it shows that you are brave, intelligent, and smart.

You are a confident person, and you have the stamina to face all sorts of situations in your life by keeping control of your nerves.

Dragons also have a lot of patience, which is necessary to achieve long-term goals in life.

In Feng Shui culture, the dragon is believed to be a symbol of wealth or good financial situations.

These powerful creatures have the ability to overcome adversity in life, and they always have clarity of vision.

Characteristics and personality


Let’s suppose that a Dragon is your power animal. It’s like having a super cool key to magic and the world of real witchcraft.

But to use this key, some time is needed to figure out the things.

Dragon as a Spirit Animal has the power to convert your spirituality into something very precious like gold.

You need to embrace this wonderful gift with gratitude.

Now, if you choose a Dragon as your power animal, then you need to do a lot of extra stuff.

If you want to do good stuff for others, the Dragon has your back and is protecting you.

But don’t imagine yourself as a superhero, because as a result of this, you’ll lose your power animal.

Positive powers of dragon spirit animal

The Dragon is considered to be a courageous spirit animal and it always takes stand for what is right.

Being a Dragon-Spirited person, you are never afraid to speak your mind.

Here are some of the positive powers of the dragon spirit animal:

  • Strength
  • Courage
  • Vitality
  • Adaptive
  • Leadership
  • Forgiving
  • Wisdom

1) Harmony and balance

The Dragon, as a spirit animal, ensures harmony and balance in its domain, and it is often seen protecting other animals.

So, if you are always willing to help innocent and pure souls, it is a gesture that you have a dragon as your spirit animal.

2) Intelligence and Wisdom

The Dragon, as a spirit animal, is often linked with guidance, wisdom, and intelligence.

Many legends portray Dragons as guides and superheroes.

In such myths, it is usually the insight of the dragon that helps the hero to come out of the struggling phase.

You may have seen dragons in temples, and it is mainly due to this myth.

3) Good Fortune

It is believed that seeing a dragon in your dreams brings good luck, prosperity, and success around the corner.

Feng Shui also believes that dragons are associated with growth and good luck.

4) Forgiving

In life, we always create our comfort zones, and sometimes these include our loved ones.

But when a bad incident happens, you feel hurt.

Being a dragon-spirited person, you are forgiving.

You know that no one makes mistakes intentionally and have an open heart.

Negative powers of Dragon Spirit Animal

Here are some of the negative traits of the dragon as a spirit animal:

  • Rage
  • Anger
  • Arrogance
  • Jealousy

1) Anger

If the Dragon is your spirit animal, then you may find it difficult to control your anger.

You may avoid the situation, but in one way or another, you may be triggered a lot.

This is the point from where the dragon gets fire form.

2) Jealous

The Dragon is a very jealous Spirit Animal.

If the Dragon is your Spirit Animal, you may feel envious of others regarding everything.

Dragons usually set high standards for themselves, and when they feel that they can’t reach there, they start getting jealous of others.

Always remember that we all are different from each other.

Just because someone has something superior to you, it doesn’t make you low.

3) Careless

Dragon-spirited persons are usually careless, and it results in a lot of difficulties for them.

Carelessness arises when you don’t feel any interest regarding anything, and it affects your behavior and destroys your personality.

So, to live life fully, one needs to be responsive and needs to handle everything by being alert.

4) Aggressive

The act of being aggressive can be something others can take advantage of you.

This trait affects Dragon-Spirited people too much.

Dragon as an Animal Totem

Were you born with a dragon as your animal totem?

If the answer is yes, then you will always be engaged in protecting your loved ones.

People whose animal totem is the Dragon are considered to be known for their fierceness.

One needs to keep a check that you don’t use your power and strength for the wrong reasons.

Use all these qualities in a positive way instead of causing destruction.

Dragons are believed to be powerful and mystical creatures, and they have been revered for ages.

In many cultures, Dragons are considered to be the animal totems that carry deep symbolism.

Dragons are believed to offer guidance, wisdom, and protection to those who are seeking it.

If you feel a strong connection with the Dragon, then it is more likely to be your Animal Totem.

Dragon as a Power Animal

Dragon Statue

Before you think that the Dragon is your power animal, here is everything you need to know about it.

You need to accept that Dragons have spiritual meanings because it will lay your foundation.

A Dragon as a powerful animal can guard and protect you when you are working for a bigger purpose, but at the same time, it makes you understand that you can harm others by using your power in a negative way.

Historically, dragons are believed to be wise creatures.

What does Dragon mean in Native American culture?

In Native American culture, dragons can be referred to as mythical thunder lizards.

This creature was mentioned in ancient stories and myths when people found the remains of dinosaurs.

They used to believe that Dragons were present from the beginning and dragons helped the divine power in the creation of this world.

Even some tribes also used to believe that in the beginning, there were two Gods named Nagaicho and Thunder.

These two Gods collaborated with each other, and then they created Earth.

Dreaming of a Dragon Spirit Animal

If you are seeing a dragon spirit animal in your dreams, then it means that some queries are disturbing you.

You may not be aware of this query, but deep inside, it is disturbing your mental peace.

The dragon dream may represent the tough and challenging times you are facing in your life.

If you have seen a dragon in your dream, it can also show that you are not liking a particular personality trait.

If you have dreamt of a dragon breathing fire, then it means that you need to govern your anger.

The Dragon, as a spirit guide, is also believed to be a symbol of wealth.

When you see a Dragon in your dream, it may be trying to tell you that you can use your strength to accumulate wealth.

Mythological significance of Dragon Spirit Animal

Dragon myths exist all over the world and in almost every culture.

Dragons come in all sizes and shapes, each of which has its own untold story.

There are a lot of tales of dragons in Celtic and Druid culture.

In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is considered to be a powerful symbol of good fortune.

It is also believed that Dragons can control the weather, which explains why they are considered to be a symbol of power.

In Japan, the Dragons are considered to be the protectors of the country.

They are presented as wise and kind creatures of the planet that can transform themselves into human form whenever needed.

In Celtic mythology, dragons are considered to have a deeper connection with the Under Earth, and they think that they are dangerous creatures of the Globe.

In Native American culture, Dragons are considered to be associated with water.

They think that the Dragon can change their shape and become a snake too.

So, Dragons have a lot of different origins, but they share a common ancestor.

How to connect with the Spirit Animal Dragon?

One of the best ways to connect with your Spirit Animal is through deep meditation.

For ages, various tribes and shamans have experienced this practice.

In order to do so, choose a serene location and close your eyes.

Now, imagine that your power animal is coming close to you.

Take a deep breath and feel the energy moving through your body.

How to understand your power animal message

Chinese Dragon

If you have become a master of the visualization approach, then your power animal will become clear to you.

Whenever a Dragon power animal appears in your life, it shows regeneration and accomplishment of all the difficult goals.

Moreover, you can also talk with your power animal while sleeping.

The messages will make sense for you through the sense of vision.

There are a lot of strong arguments that support the Dragon to be a power animal.

One of the benefits of this animal is it promotes nourishment.

Are dragons a good omen?

If you have encountered a Fire Dragon, then it shows your leadership roles.

In order to do so, you may have to modify yourself in different ways.

If you have seen a Water Dragon, then it is trying to ask you to take charge of your future.

This gives you a reminder that no one can control you and destiny is merely in your hands.

Depending on the type of Dragon you see, your Dragon Spirit Animal can be symbolic of various things.

Having a Dragon as your Spirit Animal means you are the only force to be reckoned with.

Call on the energy of the Dragon as a spirit animal in your life.

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